giving medication

giving medicationgiving medication
  1. Parents are uneasy about giving this medication to their children .


  2. And they stop giving giving medication and 9 o'clock at night we know we just gonna said goodbye .


  3. Veterinary staff tried to stabilize the dog , giving it pain medication and antibiotics , but were unable to save the animal .


  4. But Murray 's lawyers argued Jackson " caused his own death " by giving himself extra medication in a bid to sleep .


  5. Although a combination of anti osteoporosis drugs can increase the incidence of gastrointestinal complications , giving patients anti-osteoporosis medication is undoubtedly a better choice for the most .


  6. For this study , euthanasia was defined as a doctor giving an overdose of medication , usually by lethal injection , to purposely end a patient 's life .
